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M2 Mindfulness Blogs

Susan West
Nov 29, 20221 min read
Nourish yourself to be present and experience the holiday season. B(e) R(aditate) A(llow) V(alidate) E(njoy) Meditate BRAVE. Wishing you...

Susan West
Jan 27, 20222 min read
Mangling Magazines: Bringing your intentions and values to life in a vision board
I first tried creating a vision board at a workshop at a friend's house several years ago. It was kind of a bust. I hadn't done any...

Susan West
Jan 24, 20222 min read
To do, or to be? That is the question.
I spent many years ignoring January, resolute in my resistance to declare any resolutions, suspicious of cultural pressure. And, yet, I...

Susan West
Oct 6, 20211 min read
What Are You Paying Attention To?
What are you paying attention to right now? Notice: -Do you know where your attention is placed? -Is your attention being directed...

Susan West
Oct 6, 20211 min read
"I can see how this will help me."
I Ioved meeting this sweet couple at Swift Transportation Driver Appreciation Week. He's a driver; she's his new wife. When she learned...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Mindfulness Myth Debunked with "Every little bit counts."
Check out Gerardo's smile. He had heard about the many benefits of mindfulness practice, but he never tried it "because the influencers...

Susan West
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Beginner's Mind, "I like trying new things"
"I like trying new things." -Wes, Swift Transportation Driver "Thanks for showing me something new." -Robert, Swift Transportation Driver...
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