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Susan West

Let's Make This the New Normal

Updated: Oct 25, 2019

May is Mental Health Month.

1 in 5 people will be affected by mental illness in their lifetime. But despite its prevalence, many of us are hesitant to prioritize our mental well-being. That could mean reaching out for support when you’re going through a challenge, recognizing you need a break or taking a class to improve the way you handle stress.

One of M2’s intentions is to bring people together to support and enhance their mental health and capacity for resilience. “Mind and body treatments can improve mood, anxiety and other symptoms of mental illness,” according to the National Alliance of Mental Illness.

We don’t question the importance of choosing nutritious foods or the positive impact of physical exercise on our health. Advocating for our mental well-being should be just as accepted too.

Too often I hear that mindfulness is for hippies, new-agers, religious people, slackers or the otherwise lost and forlorn. In fact, mindfulness is practiced by corporate and government leaders, neuroscientists, professional athletes, first responders, military personnel and people of all walks of life and pursuits.

Individuals explore more mindful living for lots of reasons. Just a couple could be quality of life, performance enhancement and service to others. But one of the most compelling reasons is to manage stress. And no wonder! 80% of U.S. workers feel stress on the job, and nearly half say they (and their colleagues) need help learning to manage it. So why shouldn't it be totally mainstream to use mindfulness meditation programs, which are validated by 47 clinical studies to diminish anxiety and stress.

Let's make caring for our mental health the new normal!

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